Mill on the castle #atozchallenge

BOne of my favourite castles is Bamburgh, the subject of my letter B.


Not far up the coast from my letter A, Alnwick, this castle sits on the beach and provides a spectacular view.  While children construct castles using the golden sand, Bamburgh castle has stood undaunted by time and bombardment. Now a private home, it boasts ghosts, a great hall constructed using teak timber from Thailand and a windmill.

The mill was built in the eighteenth century by a local clergymen to provide cheap corn for the poor. The enlightened trustee, Dr Sharp, also founded charities including a school inside the castle for the uneducated children, a pharmacy, hospital and a midwife.

bamburgh windmill 2The mill sits on an outcrop outside the castle’s walls. Built in a time when castles no longer fulfilled any military purpose, it probably made for an unusual job for the local miller. Now, I’d love to know what had happened if it had been built a few centuries earlier…bamburgh windmill





Wanted. Miller.

An opportunity has opened up for an independent miller. Applicant will have an opportunity to work by the sea with beautiful views.
The employer is obliged to warn any potential applicant that canon fire might be a hazard. Due to the location of the battery alongside the mill, the miller will be required to wear a helmet. The use of armour might be necessary too.
Every opportunity will be given to protect the miller from loose canon fire, however, no guarantees can be made that the mill, or its occupants will not come under fire during a siege.

The successful candidate is welcome to attend prayers at the chapel.


  1. Can you imagine a Health and Safety audit in what could well be the first ever battery-powered mill?

    Keith Channing A-Zing from


    1. lol! It would be a big fail!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your help wanted ad! Kanyla at The Girl Who Wrote it All Down


    1. Thank you. I’ve not had any takers 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oooh, this is the castle where Bernard Cornwell’s Saxon Stories takes place! (Some of it anyway). I love the books, but the show was a huge disappointment… I would definitely love to see it 🙂

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    The Multicolored Diary


    1. I’ve not read his Saxon stories and I have to admit, I quite liked the series on TV. It’s well worth a visit.


  4. That is a fantastic first picture of the castle towering over the sand 🙂
    Sophie’s Thoughts & Fumbles | Wittegen Press | FB3X


    1. It really looks like that. I’ve got photographs. The town is hidden away on the other side.


  5. Sorry I missed this castle when we were at Alnwick. We were inland both before and after.


    1. I actually like just sitting on the beach, which is a lovely sandy beach, and having it as a backdrop. It’s quite magical.


  6. LOL! Who can resist that job offer? 😉
    Lovely place, though.

    The Old Shelter – Jazz Age Jazz


    1. It most have been pretty unique for a miller!


  7. What an imposing castle! Did you get my application for the miller’s post 😉


    1. Might be lost in the post… probably hit by cannon fire 😉


  8. I can just imagine a miller trying to move sacks of flour while wearing armour 🙂 That is a very majestic castle.
    Tasha’s Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)


    1. It wouldn’t be ideal!


  9. What a lovely & informative blog you have. I adore castles! (and ghosts). And for some odd reason, I seem to keep finding writing blogs related to the UK and flash fiction without even trying. Pure happiness. Thanks so much for sharing with us! 🙂


    1. I hope you find more of what you like 🙂


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