The about me page

Weekday mornings are executed like a military operation and it’s called packing the kids off to school. When I’m back home, the house echoes with silence (or the washing machine), then, as I settle before my computer, for a few hours, I’m something other than a mum, I morph into a  writer.

Writing isn’t the day job when you sit and everything clicks, the words flow and the pages multiple. There is the dreaded writer’s block when the brain freezes, the day you look at everything you’ve written and wonder why anyone else would want to read it, the afternoon spent re-writing everything you wrote that morning, the immersing yourself in research and forgetting what you were looking for in the first place. Then before you know it, you’re glancing at your watch, it’s time to fetch the kids from school.

I’m learning, discovery things about myself, about publishing – the intricacies of editing, developing cover art, writing blurbs and synopsis, engaging with other authors, readers and interpreting reviews.

You can find out about my latest book at The Women of Heachley Hall and my twitter handle @racheljwalkley

Postcard WoHH

This blog is for me, as all blogs should be, and it reflects not just my thoughts on writing, but on being a mum, a keen musician, a terrible gardener, a mediocre cook, an artist with limited skills, an embroider who can’t sew, gift buyer who can’t wrap presents and cat lover who mourns her absent friend.




  1. […] The Quiet Writer Megan Morgan Rhetorical Redhead Anything You Like Wandering Through Time and Place […]


  2. Hello, raesquiggles. Thank you so much for following me – it’s very much appreciated. It seems you live somewhere in rain-soaked Britain, too. I’m halfway between Lincoln and Nottingham, although I’m originally from Lancashire (Southport).It’s interesting that you are writing. Good luck with that, whatever genre it is. I also see that you do the Friday Fictioneers. I did it for a long while, but have had to drop it lately, as well as Monday’s Finish the Story, because I haven’t got the time. I just do one FF challenge a week now, until I’ve finished my third book (which will be in about five years’ time unless I get a move on! lol)
    I’ll look forward to reading more of your posts and following your journey through the writing and publishing process. Talk again soon… Millie


    1. I live in Cheshire close to the Mersey – so very rain soaked compared to East Anglia where I grew up. I might try out some other FF challenges, see if I can finish a story instead 🙂


      1. Ye,s Cheshire is quite different to EA. My brother and his family live near Runcorn, so I know that area reasonably well, and I have friends on the Wirral.


      2. Then you would know where I live quite well!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Well, I could guess at several towns and
        villages. There are some lovely little places, and of course Warrington is right next door to Runcorn. I adore Chester, too. There are so many great places on the Wirral… Must go and do a little more writing before I go off to bed. I have a scene I want to finish tonight. 🙂


  3. Hi! The Challenge brought me browsing……at random opted to explore here….Most interesting not least that you are on these Isles….I’m down on the south coast….Might be seeing more of me. 😉


  4. This blog is for me, as all blogs should be – I agree completely. We call it ‘Swantah Sukhai’ ~ For my own pleasure. Tulsi Das started his Ram Charitamanas – (The Ramayan in Hindi) with this very phrase.

    Thanks for the visit and Welcome.


  5. @breakerofthings · · Reply

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    There is no commitment, but if you are inclined to accept, then the rules are included in the post above.

    All the best,



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