On the writing road

It’s amazing how often my writer’s block clears the moment I’m driving a car. It’s as if a fog lifts and the words come tumbling forth, desperate to be anchored to a fixed point in my mind. Unfortunately, I’ve no means to capture them.

On a train, plane or boat, I have the opportunity to scribble. Watching out the window, the world speeds past and stimulates. Why motion fires up the brain cells, I don’t know. Travelling has inspired many writers. Rudyard Kipling in India, Bill Bryson around the world,  Robert Louis Stevenson and many others those who pen a travel journal or use their voyage to inspire a story.

Take a journey, it doesn’t have to be too far, but I find it helps unravel my thoughts and opens my eyes just that bit wider.


Today’s book

English Passengers – Matthew Kneale


  1. Hi, please kindly visit my blog at https://luqmanhae.wordpress.com/ thank you 🙂


  2. Loved English Passengers. 🙂 Good choice.


  3. I’d add Mark Twain to this list. It’s amazing how much of the world he saw! You’re absolutely right. I just came back from a trip with all kinds of new ideas.


    1. Mark Twain, I’d forgotten what a great traveller he was. I’m sure there are many others I’ve missed who have been inspired by their journeys. I’ve just got back from visiting Cornwall and full of thoughts on how to improve my work in progress.


  4. Travelling certainly get my words flowing, often at the most inconvenient times! I’m doing a trip by public transport overseas as soon as A-Z ends; goodness knows how much material I’ll come back with!


  5. There’s something about movement that gets our creative side out and our stories moving. Walking and running do that for me.


  6. It’s like getting those great ideas in the shower and no one makes waterproof paper. (Or do they…?) I just discovered my iPhone has a voice recorder in the notes app. Haven’t used it on the road yet, but I know the option is there.


    1. I keep thinking about using a voice recorder, but I’m not fond of the sound of my own voice! Waterproof paper would be useful too

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